Schedule Integrations
You can schedule integrations and integration sets A sequence of integrations that can be run on-demand or be scheduled. to run once later or at a recurring frequency.
- Click Tap Main Menu
> Maintenance > Integrations. - Click Tap Schedule Processes
. Note: If you don't see this button, click tap Run Processes to toggle the labels.
- Click Tap Schedule an Integration
. - Select the integration or integration set from the list. Click Tap Select.
- (Optional) Enter a unique Integration Run Name to make it easier to identify the run of the integration. Otherwise, you use the default name which ends with a date and time stamp.
Note: For integration sets, include "IntegrationSet" in the name to make it easier to distinguish integration sets from single integrations on the Integrations page.
- Select or enter any parameters or files that are required. Required and optional parameters, and external files vary by integration.
Caution: For integration sets, repeat this step for each integration in the integration set.
In Schedule, select one of the following:
Caution: Although integrations run in parallel and independently, if you schedule the same integration or integration set to run repeatedly at short intervals, errors can result. Also frequent runs increase the traffic load on the network. A best practice is to space runs at least 15 minutes apart. Example: If two integrations access and update a file, the first integration must finish the update before the second integration starts to update the same file. If the first integration moves or erases that file before the second can access it, the second integration fails.
One-time Scheduled Run
- Select a date
. - Click Tap Apply.
- Enter the Start Time.
- Click Tap Schedule Integration.
- Close the panel.
- Select a date
Recurring Scheduled Run
Repeat the run on a regular schedule.
- Click Tap Recurrence
. - From Repeats, select the frequency of runs:
By Month
- Select the months.
- Select the day of the month.
By Day — Select the number of days between runs.
By Hour — Select to run the integration once every hour from the Start Time.
By Week
- Select the number of weeks between runs.
- Select the day of the week.
By Minute — Select 5-minute intervals.
- Select the Start Date.
- Enter the Start Time.
- Select the End Date. If you select Forever or leave the End Date blank, the schedule recurs indefinitely.
- Click Tap Apply.
- Click Tap Schedule Integration Request.
- Close the panel.
- Close the panel.
- Click Tap Recurrence
- Click Tap Main Menu
> Maintenance > Integrations. - Select Timeframe
or the arrows or to change the time period. - (Optional) Show only scheduled integration runs. Click Tap Integrations to Manage
> Scheduled Integration Requests. - Select a scheduled
integration. Note: Click Tap Grid view
. Double-click a scheduled integration run to edit the schedule. -
Do one of the following:
- Edit the schedule or other parameters
- Click Tap More
> Edit or Copy . - Select Edit Scheduled Integration Request to change the currently scheduled integration.
- Edit the dates, times, recurrence, any options to exclude groups of employees, or other parameters as needed.
- Select Apply.
- Select Schedule Integration Request.
- Close the confirmation.
- Click Tap More
- Delete scheduled integrations from running in the future
- Click Tap More
> Delete . - Click Tap Yes to confirm. The underlying integration template remains available and is not deleted.
- Click Tap More
- Enable or disable scheduled integrations
You can disable scheduled runs of integrations and integration sets and enable them later.
When you create a schedule for an integration or integration set, the schedule is enabled automatically.
When you refresh, clone, or reset a tenant, scheduled runs of integrations and integration sets are copied to the tenant but are disabled from running. You do not have to recreate these scheduled runs manually, and can enable them from the Integrations page.
- To enable a disabled scheduled run, click tap More
> Enable . - To disable an enabled scheduled run, click tap More
> Disable .
- To enable a disabled scheduled run, click tap More
- Edit the schedule or other parameters
- Close the panel.