Bonus and Deductions

Bonuses and deductions are amounts that are automatically added to or deducted from timecards.


Use the Bonus/Deduction Rules page (Application Setup > Work Rule Building Blocks > Bonus/Deductions) and the following information to configure bonus and deduction rules.

  • Amount — The decimal or time amount of the deduction or bonus. If you specify a paycode, the paycode type determines the amount type.
  • Applies On — The day or days on which the rule applies.
  • Is Exception — The bonus generates a Bonus exception, which can appear in the timecard, Data views, and reports.
  • Pay code — The paycode for the bonus or deduction.
  • Cancel if break taken — A break that cancels the bonus or deduction. Shifts that contain this break do not qualify for the bonus or deduction. For example, when employees punch out for a meal, this option can be used to prevent them from also receiving an automatic deduction.

Shift Restriction

  • Do not use shift restriction — Employees are not required to meet specific time constraints to receive the bonus or deduction.
  • Use shift restriction — Activates the Must Start by and Must Work Until options. These are specific times that employees must work to receive the bonus or deduction.


Triggered by — The trigger causes the bonus or deduction to take place. The Triggered by option changes the information in the Trigger section. The default trigger is Length of Shift.